Could This "Human Body on a Chip" Replace Rodent Models?

Could This "Human Body on a Chip" Replace Rodent Models?

Some 60%-90% of drugs that are successful in rodents… fail in humans. However, researchers at Harvard University and Tel Aviv University have developed a new model that might address this problem: mini human organs on a chip. These separate “organ chips” can be connected to create a “mini human on a chip”, to test the effects of different treatments and medications on multiple organs and systems.

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A New Method to Print Vascularized Tissue

A New Method to Print Vascularized Tissue

Biomanufactured organs are the next frontier of scientific research and development. But creating vascularized tissue is a challenging endeavor, however a technique called SWIFT may get us one step closer to overcoming the hurdle of vascularization. They hope to continually improve upon this method with the goal of engineering fully functional, 3D printed human organs. Read what they learned below!

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Scientists Correct Mutated Gene that Causes Sickle Cell Disease in Stem Cells

Scientists Correct Mutated Gene that Causes Sickle Cell Disease in Stem Cells

For the first time, scientists were able to correct the genetic mutation that causes sickle cell disease in stem cells.

In a collaborative effort, researchers at UC Berkeley, UC San Francisco Benioff Children’s Hospital Oakland Research Institute (CHORI), and the University of Utah School of Medicine fixed the mutation in modified stem cells from patients with the condition using a CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing approach.

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Making memories stronger and more precise during aging

Making memories stronger and more precise during aging

When it comes to the billions of neurons in your brain, what you see at birth is what get — except in the hippocampus. Buried deep underneath the folds of the cerebral cortex, neural stem cells in thehippocampus continue to generate new neurons, inciting a struggle between new and old as the new attempts to gain a foothold in the memory-forming center of the brain.

In a study published online today in Neuron, Harvard Stem Cell Institute (HSCI) researchers atMassachusetts General Hospital and the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard in collaboration with an international team of scientists found they could bias the competition in favor of the newly generated neurons.

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Episode 007 - Control Alt Delete Cancer

Episode 007 - Control Alt Delete Cancer

Hello and welcome to Episode 7!  On this episode, we'll talk with Dr. Haroldo Silva and David Halvorsen of the SENS Research Foundation.  They've launched a new crowdfunding campaign designed to attack and stop cancer using a new approach.  You'll hear what that approach is, why they think it has a good chance of success, and you can help in the fight.

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Episode 006 - Could Cryopreservation for Human Organs Save 700,000 - 900,000 Lives a Year?

Episode 006 - Could Cryopreservation for Human Organs Save 700,000 - 900,000 Lives a Year?

Join us on this episode of the Methuselah 300 Podcast as we interview Dr. Sebastian Eriksson Giwa;  co-founder and chairman of the Organ Preservation Alliance and co-founder and CEO of Sylvatica Biotech.  Dr. Giwa will discuss how Cryopreservation could transform and revolutionize transplantationCurrently at least 1 in 5 people on the organ waiting list die due to the inability of keeping organs viable for transport, resulting in 700,000 deaths a year by some estimates.  Dr Giwa and his team want to change that...

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Episode 005 with Dr John Geibel; Yale University

Episode 005 with Dr John Geibel; Yale University

On this week's podcast, join us as we talk with Dr John Geibel, Director of Surgical Research and Professor of Department of Cellular and Molecular Physiology at Yale University.  Discover how his team is working hard to develop the first iterations of 3-D printable organs, a goal that will revolutionize the medical organ industry and save thousands upon thousands of lives.

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Methuselah 300 Podcast Episode 004: Is a Synthetic Liver on the Horizon? With Dr Bryon Petersen

Methuselah 300 Podcast Episode 004: Is a Synthetic Liver on the Horizon? With Dr Bryon Petersen

Join us on this week's podcast as we interview Dr. Bryon Petersen, who is researching and developing a new device that could bridge the gap for those awaiting a new liver so that those in need can have a quality of life impossible for them now.  You'll here about where he is in the stage of development, and what timeline he is working toward.

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Episode 003 Interview with Founder Dave Gobel Part #2

Episode 003 Interview with Founder Dave Gobel Part #2

In this Episode of the Methuselah 300 Podcast, we’ll continue our interview with founder Dave Gobel as he explains more of the specific areas of regenerative medicine the foundation is working toward, some new partnerships and backers including NASA, and how he believes future life will be impacted in the near and mid term by exciting progress currently being made in medical research.

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Episode 002 of the Methuselah 300 Podcast

Episode 002 of the Methuselah 300 Podcast

In this Episode of the Methuselah 300 Podcast, we’ll interview founder Dave Gobel and learn what planted the seed for the idea that would grow into the Methuselah Foundation. You’ll also learn the specifics of what innovations the foundation is working hard to create.

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