Return on Mission
David Gobel, CEO
"Unlike Return on Investment, Return on Mission is dictated by how many lives are saved and how many people are not suffering that otherwise would be..."
– David Gobel
Why 2030?
We changed our strategic goal from "Extending the Healthy Human Lifespan" to "Making 90 the New 50 by 2030" because we need our mission to be falsifiable and testable. It helps us maintain a daily sense of urgency when making decisions and carrying out our mandate.
We believe that no one is a mere statistic. No one dies statistically. We know there is good in trying to decrease suffering by hastening breakthroughs that give us all longer and healthier life. We invite you to join us in achieving this monumental goal.
Invest with us in longevity's best opportunities.
About Us
The Methuselah Foundation is a biomedical charity co-founded by David Gobel and Dr. Aubrey de Grey in 2001. The foundation was named after Methuselah, the grandfather of Noah in the Hebrew Bible, whose lifespan was recorded as 969 years. Our mission is to make 90 the new 50 by 2030.
We chose that mission because it’s falsifiable and most importantly, it keeps us committed to “return on mission.” Having a falsifiable mission keeps our staff and community of researchers, entrepreneurs, investors, and donors focused. It drives a mindset based on urgency and action. We never want to become the type of charity that exists for existing's sake.
Our approach is to put the mission first and money second. We treat aging like a medieval diamond cutter would face the challenge of cleaving one of the most valuable and hardest substances known to man. After careful and methodical analysis, the gem cutter would strike the diamond with a cleaver, resulting in the large diamond breaking into predictable and useful smaller pieces, ready for polishing and setting in jewelry.
In similar manner, the Methuselah Foundation looks for, examines, carefully tests, and implements high-leverage interventions that spur concrete progress in the short term and causes synergistic ripple effects over time. Essentially, we realized that aging is not just an engineering problem, but a cultural problem as well. We have built a record of spotting and betting early on people and projects that, with our significant incubation and strategic services, have gone on to produce remarkable results.
Against the Odds
When we began in 2001, it was widely considered both foolish and immoral to work on extending healthy human life. For scientists, it was academically dangerous to even discuss the possibility.
19 years later, Methuselah, its partners, and donors have played an unmistakable role in transforming the scientific and cultural outlook. Click on our progress report below for all the details.
Our carefully designed pathfinding strategies are meant to be accessible to everyone since elegantly simple ideas can move masses. Click each strategy for details.
Our Achievements
Media Articles
Click on the link to view the PDF of our finances from that year.